
Dear Ayla

Monday, 13 May 2013: Six Weeks Old.

Dear Ayla,

You are six weeks old today. When you came into the world you changed mine and Daddy’s lives forever, for the better.

You’ve already made us proud. You’ve given us courage. You’ve taught us compassion. You’ve shared your innocence. You’ve shown us the beauty of vulnerability. But most of all you’ve revealed to us a new type of love.

Ayla, for all the goodness you’ve already brought to us, it’s only fair that I do the same for you.

Ayla, I promise to never judge you, lie to you or lead you astray. I will
always to listen to you, laugh with you and tell you the truth. My love for you will be completely unconditional. Always. I will never doubt the goodness in your heart or the passion of your convictions.

I promise to be your guardian, your saviour, your shoulder to cry on, your best friend. I promise to be there when you need me and to be discreet when necessary. I’ll help you chase your dreams. I’ll support you. I’ll encourage you. I’ll defend and protect you.

Ayla, I promise to pick you up and dust you off, whether you’ve skinned your knee or had your heart broken. I’ll trust in your decisions and support your choices. I’ll be there to guide you when you’re lost and to remind you of who you are if you forget.

Love always,


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