Doctor Dad


Monday, 3 June 3014: One Year and Eight Weeks Old.

Hubby got to play Doctor Dad all day today.

It was strange because I felt a little nervous leaving him at home with a sick Baby Ayla, even though I knew they’d both be ok.

I think it was because Hubby is so GOOD at being a Dad.

To me, it looks like parenthood is completely natural for him; he’s calm, confident, well-balanced and fun.

Of course there’s a little element of causality in there, but show me a grown up man anywhere who wouldn’t be considered “casual” or “relaxed”.

I tried my best not to fuss as I left my instructions and hurtled out the door, late because I’d spent too much time preparing the day to make it as easy as possible for my little family.

When I came home, Ayla was still sick and Hubby was still, almost a little disappointedly for me, unfrazzled.

It was a a great reminder to me that Hubby and I are undoubtedly a team, and today he stepped up to plate and delivered a home run.




Thursday, 15 August 2013: One Hundred and Thirty Five Days Old.

How on earth did I get the jackpot?!

Ayla lights up my day, every day. And how could she not when she has a cheeky grin like that?

And my Hubby makes me happier than anyone; he’s strong, passionate and loyal, and he’s literally my other half.

Someone I follow on Instagram (@msjessitay) described her family like this today;

“My daughters heart beats because of him”

And I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Before Ayla, I used to hear people talk about “doing anything for their family” but I didn’t really understand.

Now I do.

My little family gives me so much joy, happiness and courage. I can’t imagine life without them and I would do anything in return.


My heart would burst


Monday, 29 July, 2013: Seventeen Weeks Old.

Before Ayla, I thought my heart would burst with all the love I have for my Hubby and I was worried about how the love for a baby could possibly fit!

But love really does expand – it’s not at all like a bucket that fills with water and spills out, wasting what’s precious.

My heart still wants to burst, but even more than before!

Even though I love my baby girl with everything I am – I just can’t get enough of her – I still love my Hubby like a flower loves its soil or a snail loves its shell.

My Hubby is my other half and Ayla is my light. I am so, so, so lucky to have them in my life.


Lots of little things


Friday, 26 July 2013: One Hundred and Fifteen Days Old.

It was a public holiday today and although it was rather uneventful it was fulfilling and wholesome and gave me the opportunity to appreciate the little things.

And there are LOTS of little things!

The three of us have our health, we have goals and dreams, we have wonderful friends and loving families, we share adventures, we learn, we love.

It always seems to be that epiphany’s like this hit at the strangest times…

We’d been at the Show (it was the local Show Holiday) and we were making our way to the car, Ayla in the pram with me pushing.

There was an acrobatic show on and a huge crowd had gathered, but we stopped a fair distance away and watched for a moment.

It was like the performance was only for us. There was no one around and we were alone as a family, happy and smiling as the acrobat cracked corny jokes from atop a 50 foot pole.

Then it struck; we are so lucky, to be who we are, where we are, what we are. In that moment, and the next.