

Wednesday, 10 September 2014; One Year, One Hundred and Sixty Two Days Old.

Ayla was reunited with her Daddy tonight, when he flew down to join us in time for Ayla’s procedure.

Hubby asked that I didn’t say anything to Ayla about picking Daddy up as we headed off to the airport, but I did accidentily mention it to her yesterday and since then every knock at the door or sound upstairs has had Ayla pointing and saying “Daddy?”

We got to the airport early and waited at the gate. Ayla was restless by the time people started disembarking and she was wandering around excitedly, dodging legs and carry on baggage as they hurriedly headed for the baggage collection area.

I saw Hubby well before Ayla did, and he squatted down next to her. Ayla stopped in her tracks and stared at him; studing his face as if to work out whether he was real or not.

Then it clicked. Ayla ran the last two steps towards her Daddy and threw her arms around his neck, refusing to let go. Ayla kept looking back at me, smiling, then patting her Daddy’s face as if to say
“Nawww Mum! Look! Daddy’s actually here!” – so cute.


Playing favourites


Thursday, 24 July 2014: One Year, One Hundred and Fifteen Days Old.

We adults might not play favourites to our kids but Ayla is SUCH a Daddy’s girl!

When Daddy drives down around the corner each evening Ayla screeches and starts running along the fence line, stopping when she reaches the end of the concrete to wave and dance on the spot while he comes in the driveway.

Daddy also has the most luck with feeding Ayla. I might try for ages to get a spoonful or two in, then Daddy takes over and the whole serve is missing in what feels like moments.

Ayla’s started to want her Daddy more often when she’s hurt, tired or hungry too lately. I always thought that a Mummy cuddle fixed everything but for Ayla at the moment it’s a Daddy cuddle through and through.

Then tonight when Daddy left the house and Ayla stayed behind with our babysitter her little lip quivered, then she cried and called out to him at the front door as he drove off.

The babysitter said she distracted Ayla and the tears were gone after a minute or two, but all night whenever Ayla walked past her Daddy’s work bag she pointed at it and said “Dadda?”

Admittedly Ayla did walk up to a photo of me on the TV cabinet and say “Mumma” but that was probably just cos she didn’t want to play favourites 😉


Doctor Dad


Monday, 3 June 3014: One Year and Eight Weeks Old.

Hubby got to play Doctor Dad all day today.

It was strange because I felt a little nervous leaving him at home with a sick Baby Ayla, even though I knew they’d both be ok.

I think it was because Hubby is so GOOD at being a Dad.

To me, it looks like parenthood is completely natural for him; he’s calm, confident, well-balanced and fun.

Of course there’s a little element of causality in there, but show me a grown up man anywhere who wouldn’t be considered “casual” or “relaxed”.

I tried my best not to fuss as I left my instructions and hurtled out the door, late because I’d spent too much time preparing the day to make it as easy as possible for my little family.

When I came home, Ayla was still sick and Hubby was still, almost a little disappointedly for me, unfrazzled.

It was a a great reminder to me that Hubby and I are undoubtedly a team, and today he stepped up to plate and delivered a home run.


No steps


Monday, 19 May 2014: One Year and Seven Weeks Old.

I found out today that Ayla has been walking around heaps at day care!

Although I’d know Ayla had taken a few steps last week, when I picked her up today the day care mums greeted me with excited claims that Ayla was now properly walking.

Of course I couldn’t wait to get home and see Ayla out her new skills in action but alas, at home Ayla seems perfectly content on all fours.

Throughout the afternoon and evening Ayla keep standing and clapping, but still no steps.

Then when we went out for a swim before dinner Ayla walked the whole length of the patio holding on to her Daddy’s hand with the biggest smile on her face.

My heart melted and a took a moment to record the memory in my brain forever; a tiny little blonde haired, chubby legged Baby Ayla, holding on tight to get Daddy’s weathered hand, both of them oozing pride and happiness like I’ve never seen before.


First steps!


Saturday, 17 May 2014: One Year and Forty Seven Days Old.

Ayla took her first, proper, unassisted steps today!!

Apparently Ayla did take a few steps a day care this week, but Hubby and I decided that it didn’t count unless we saw it for ourselves.

And today, we did!

It’s Saturday so Hubby was working and Ayla and I were busy pottering around the house catching up on a few chores.

Around lunch time Ayla and I decided to take a break, and I put a friends single mattress on the floor so I could stretch out my back and play with Ayla at the same time.

It didn’t take long for Ayla to realise the cushioning properties of the mattress and with minutes she was standing on it and clapping her hands.

I moved down to one end of the mattress and Ayla worked out why straight away; coming at me down the blue foamy runway with four tentative, wobbly, chubby-baby-leg steps!

I squealed with excitement and gave Ayla the biggest hug, which set her off on a pattern of stand-step-step-step-step-fall for the next half an hour.

All I could think of though was how much I wished Hubby was there to share in the moment, and I felt so sad for him missing out.

Thankfully Ayla was so happy to show off her skills that she let me take a quick video (will post it in a sec) so that Daddy could see our little TODDLER in action.

Ayla still isn’t walking around properly yet mind you, but it must only be days away! For now though Ayla seems content to limit her walking to padded surfaces which gives Hubby and I plenty of time to get ready for a whole new chapter.


First birthday


Tuesday, 1 April 2014: One Year Old.

I think Ayla’s had a pretty good first birthday!

We got up late and had a big breaky, then headed to a kids play gym for a catch up with some of Ayla’s little friends.

Ayla had a ball in the “big kids” section, and she even had her first ride in a coin operated machine!

After a big nap at home it was off to day care for a few hours in the afternoon where the day care mums made a big fuss.

One of the best parts of the day was when Daddy came home from work and we all relaxed in the pool and shared stories of our day.

Just before dinner it was time for presents and my gosh were there lots!

From a trike to a peg-puzzle, from an artwork for her wall to some gorgeous clothes and more, Ayla was rolling in gifts.

Hubby and I gave Ayla a miniature grand piano and the look on her face when she worked out how to play it was absolutely priceless!

Ayla banged away on the piano keys like a mini maestro for ages, and a no matter how many times we tried to distract her within seconds she was back to play some more.

Ayla’s first birthday ended, of course, with a birthday cake complete with a “1” candle, a happy birthday song and lots of kisses.




Saturday, 8 March: Three Hundred and Forty One Days Old.

Ayla is changing. She’s getting bigger, louder, smarter and more active every day.

Hubby’s been working and training such long hours that he’s missed a bit of Ayla’s recent development and today I think her sudden “kid-ness” hit him like a tonne of bricks.

He was amazed by Ayla’s love of music which she was really showing off today, her voluntary cuddles and kisses, and Ayla’s moments of quiet calm when she’s just happy to sit or lie beside us.

After they’d been hanging out in the bedroom for a while Hubby reappeared with a huge grin on his face and a smiling Ayla in his arms.

“She’s so awesome babe! Look at her!”

My heart wanted to burst.

Ayla wasn’t doing anything particularly interesting but I knew what he meant; to us, Ayla is so amazing, so wonderful, that we just want to bask in her greatness.

PS – if you haven’t already, please vote Ayla as the cutest baby in Australia and help her win a People’s Choice Award in the Bonds Australia Baby Photo Comp…. Thanks in advance! Click here to vote


Tickle monster


Wednesday, 26 February 2014: Three Hundred and Thirty One Days Old.

Ayla’s always loved being tickled and gets so exited her squeals reach a pitch high enough to almost shatter glass and her smile looks like its about to break her face in two.

And now Ayla’s learned to share the fun of being tickled with Hubby and I.

I couldn’t quite work out what Ayla was doing the first time she grabbed at my underarm and I thought maybe I’d let things grow a little bit “wild” under there.

But after reassuring myself that I wasn’t at all unkempt Ayla’s persistence really had me stumped.

Eventually, with no other solution coming to mind I decided to tickle Ayla under her arm so she could feel what she was doing to me; it wasn’t exactly ticklish but it was certainly making me flinch!

Then it clicked. Ayla was in fact one step ahead of me, deciding she felt like a tickle fight and using her initiative to kick things off.

But now I’ve created a Tickle Monster! Whenever an underarm is exposed at Ayla level (which includes the lying on the couch and sitting on the floor) you can rest assured it won’t be long before her tiny fingers start grabbing and poking and “tickling”.

I pretend to laugh and squeal which set Ayla off in a fit off giggles, so happy and pleased with herself that she can beat Mummy at her own game.

But while it’s all in fun for Ayla and I, when Ayla decides to give Daddy a tickle it usually ends in tears – his!

It seems that Daddy’s armpits, with all their masculinity, are not cut out for tiny pinching baby fingers…. but it doesn’t stop Ayla trying!